Use the Image Moments Digital Picture Display to show off those pictures to others or enjoy them yourself.

Once you’ve popped in the memory card, the fun begins! Access the files on the card from the file manager. Create new folders, then copy, delete or rename files to organize everything and review your images as thumbnails. Now zoom, pan and rotate any picture you want. It’s time for photo slideshow mode! Oh, did I mention you can change the slideshow interval and even control the transition effects? Plus, like any other device that you plug into the wall, you might not want it on all the time. So program it to turn off exactly when you want. Neat!
But WAIT! There’s more to memories than pictures! Yes, you TOO can add mp3 audio to your fabulous slideshows which play through the built-in stereo speakers! The Digital Picture Display frame even has audio out for connecting to external speakers! Add any MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Video format files to play along with your still images.
And all this wonderfulness in a beautiful frame. Which are interchangeable.
Written by Cecilia