It’s now pretty clear that the ongoing megapixel race will not only be reserved for point-and-shoot digital cameras or Digital SLRs, as handsets from several manufacturers have declared war by releasing smartphones and feature phones equipped with 8 Megapixel cameras. LG, makers of popular handsets like the Chocolate and Prada will soon be releasing the succesor to the Viewty, a feature phone known for its imaging features, including a 5 megapixel digital camera with Schneider Kreuznach optics, a xenon flash, auto focus and an image stabilizer. One of the unique features was the ability to shoot at 120fps (320×240). The upcoming KC910 (Also known as the Renoir) goes one step further by adding an 8 Megapixel camera, again relying on the Schneider Kreuznach optics and a xenon flash. This time around they’ve teamed up with Dolby to take care of the musical aspects, on top of that there’s also WiFi and GPS with the ability to geo-tag your images. The device itself won’t be available until the 15th of October, but the guys over at have already posted a their first look, concluding that the Renoir will be one of the few 8 Meg-equipped handsets this year and ‘definitely one of the phones to be eyeing for late 2008.’
Supporting the 15th of October release is phones4u, indicating a ‘Mid October’ release.
What 8 Megaixel handsets will you be getting this holiday season?
Written by Devin