I’ve had more than a few security systems before. My last system was a bog-standard ADT system that we finally ‘cut the cord’ on when I got a Ring video doorbell. Also, our dogs destroyed the door sensors and the windows sensors vanished when we got replacement windows.
In my experience and opinion, security systems work best when they can inform YOU that there is something to be worried about. Break-ins, fires, etc. Smart home systems have replaced so many features of classic security systems now. My Awair Glow will send me an alert if there’s a fire (increase in heat), CO2, Monoxide, etc. I have cameras within and without my home and can verify danger before calling 911.
So if you’re like me and what you really want is the ability to monitor your property in other ways, then the Wyze Sense is great for that. It currently can’t really be used for totally automated security, since there is no alarm included, but with some ITTT scripting, you could easily outperform classic security systems.
The best part is the price and packaging. The entire starter set costs only $20 and while they aren’t technologically better than a modern standalone security system – they are far smaller (I mean, they’re SERIOUSLY tiny) and this starter came with 2 window sensors, the bridge, and a motion sensor. It cost less than just a door sensor for any other system.
Another thing included is the ability to record video to my own personal memory card or to cloud storage…and Wyze added this function with a recent update – but again, with IFTTT scripting, you could do it without this update. Even more, you could turn on multiple cameras to record to their SDCards or to the cloud, send yourself notifications and more.
The only curious part I found is that the hub actually connects to a standard Wyzecam, (not the first release) to work as a hub to connect to the sensors. However, it’s hub is smaller than a quarter so it doesn’t affect anything negatively.
Wyze has been very reliable in standing behind their product line. The price of the new sensor package is astonishing and the capabilities far outweigh any perceived shortcomings.
Note: Their most recent public app release contained an update for Wyze Sense so TestFlight is no longer required.