Roadstar Bluetooth Car Radio to debut Gary·June 7, 2006Roadstar – (their tag line reads: The Trendy Company) of Switzerland, has announced a new offering that is...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Hitch your USB Transfer to This Star Cecilia·June 5, 2006Now that USB is – literally – ubiquitous it sure is sweet being able to move files from...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Oh, Solar Mia! Cecilia·June 1, 2006I love singing the praises of using “alternative” energy. I love efficiency and clever use of natural resources....Rumors·0 Comments·
The’Q’ Arrives Next Week Gary·May 22, 2006Verizon Wireless announced on its website that the long-awaited Motorola Q will finally be available next week. The...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Top 10 Strange DIY Gadgets Staff·May 22, 2006The editors at Tech E Blog have compiled a very entertaining list of strange gadgets that people have...Weird Stuff·0 Comments·
Verizon gets exclusive on Motorola Q Gary·May 19, 2006Well, we have been waiting and waiting, and yesterday, Verizon put an end to the speculation. Go over...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Sprint will be first with the Treo 700p Gary·May 17, 2006Sprint today announced plans to be the first carrier to offer the Sprint Power Vision(SM) Smart Device Treo?...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet Cecilia·May 16, 2006This handheld device has been around a few months but I want to revisit it because it’s just...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
The Treo 700 p is Here (we think) Gary·May 15, 2006Engadget broke the big story on their web site today – which seems to have originated as a...Rumors·0 Comments·
These Boots were made for Beeping Cecilia·May 12, 2006Under the title of, “What will they THINK of next?”, combine an artists’ sensabilities, the world’s “oldest profession”...Weird Stuff·0 Comments·
Bits du Jour Mobile Software Week Staff·May 12, 2006Bits du Jour is a ‘One Deal a Day’ software sales website for Windows and mobile device software....News & Reviews·0 Comments·
BMW Testing Night Vision in Vehicles Staff·May 10, 2006AutoMotoPortal has an interesting demo video of a new development at BMW. They are working on adding infared...News & Reviews·0 Comments·