Do you love chocolate? Love Klondike? Love your iPhone? Why not combine all your loves in one chocolaty gooey eExperience?
Use your iPhone to asscess interactive online “Micro Bytes” and play with other chocolate fanatics:
The “Klondike Roast-A-Friend” Facebook Application – This week, Klondike launched a comedic application that allows users to put their friends on the hot seat to find out how thick their “shell” really is. The application asks users to kick off a Roast by posting humorous photos or comments about a Roastee, and prompts their friends to feed the fun with their own hilarious “tributes”. The app lives on the Klondike Facebook page and in the Klondike Man Cave at klondikemancave
“The Adventures of Khaki Pants Pete” Klondike is employing the concept of 8-bit video games from the 80’s where characters face a series of eyebrow-raising challenges. In this game, the lead character, “Pete” is dead-set on getting his hands on a Klondike bar – because of its thicker chocolatey shell, of course. Chapter 1 launched two weeks ago in the Klondike Man Cave and on Facebook (with its own tab). Chapter 2 launches next week with more chapters dropping every couple of weeks throughout the summer. In addition, a Khaki Pants Pete iPhone application will be available in the next couple weeks.
check out these sites:
Web site – Klondikebar
Twitter – @The_Klondikebar
Facebook – Facebook
Written by Cecilia