Motorola Q is coming to Sprint! Gary·August 4, 2006Brighthand just reported that Sprint’s CEO has promised that his company will begin offering the Motorola Q in...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Microsoft Gary·July 31, 2006Recently, the One Laptop Per Child Foundation unveiled a working prototype of a laptop with a sticker price...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
I spy with my little eye – Google Vision! Cecilia·July 29, 2006This idea isn’t out yet but UK designer Callum Peden thinks it’s swell and it certainly sounds very...Rumors·0 Comments·
Smart mobile device market growth remains steady at 55% Devin Balentina·July 27, 2006Canalys released the latest figures: Smart mobile device market growth remains steady at 55%, wih Motorola up to...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Details of Next Generation iPod Available Gary·July 27, 2006Thanks to ilounge and the Apple Insider, we got the links to the actual patent filed by Apple...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Google Maps update with live traffic maps Devin Balentina·July 25, 2006It seems like Google is on a quest for world domination, constantly releasing new services and apps or...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Nokia N73 and N93 Start Shipping Devin Balentina·July 24, 2006Nokia today announced that delivery of both its N93 and N73 have begun. Both devices were expected by...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Flushing Fish was Never so Entertaining Gary·July 24, 2006Tired of Reading and Cross Word Puzzles in the ‘Throne Room?’ I couldn’t make this one up if...Weird Stuff·0 Comments·
GSM Treo Coming to Europe Gary·July 13, 2006Palm today announced it has forged a new relationship with Vodafone targeted at expanding the adoption of wireless...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Newest Treo rumors flying around web Gary·July 10, 2006The Internet rumor mill has been abuzz with rumors of two new Treos coming this fall. By all...Rumors·0 Comments·
‘Black Tie Edition’ Treo 650 announced Gary·June 21, 2006The web site reads: Ten Years. One Vision. Celebrate Palm’s 10th anniversary with this special bundle, including the...News & Reviews·0 Comments·
Sidekick 3 Announced Gary·June 20, 2006Today, T-Mobile announced the impending release of the new Sidekick 3. Part phone, part PDA and part messaging...News & Reviews·0 Comments·